Biotope Aquarium Contest 2022


We are sponsor of the ​​category “Africa” of this year’s Biotope Aquarium Contest.

In biotope aquaristics, the aim is to reproduce a natural biotope in the aquarium as realistically and as naturally as possible. Recreating the habitat of a specific region is extremely exciting and challenging. The biotope aquaristic movement promotes knowledge about the biotopes in the various regions of the world and strengthens species and nature conservation.

The international competition, which is now being held for the third time, is attracting more and more fans.

For the Biotope Aquarium Contest 2022 (BAC 2022) we are sponsor of the “Africa” ​​category. This region is fascinating many aquarists. We love this scene and have also sponsored the annual international West African Cichlids meeting (WAC meeting) for many years.

Applications can be submitted until July 20, 2022. The judges in our category are the world-renowned Ad Konings and Anton Lamboj. The winners will receive a package with Aquarium Münster products worth EUR 500 (1st place), EUR 300 (2nd place) and EUR 150 (3rd place).