Fisch & Reptil 2017 Sindelfingen

Fisch & Reptil 2017 Sindelfingen

  From 1 to 3 December 2017, as every year, the Fisch & Reptil took place in Sindelfingen. Manufacturers and dealers from all over Europe showed their offer of aquaristic and terraristic. We had our booth under the roof of our partner Kölle-Zoo.   ←...
CIPS 2017 Shanghai

CIPS 2017 Shanghai

From 16 November 2017 to 19 November 2017, 21st C.I.P.S. took place in Shanghai. The C.I.P.S. (China International Pet Show) has become the largest pet exhibition in Asia. More than 1,500 international exhibitors presented their products and services on 115,000 m². We...
Dibevo-Vakbeurs 2017 Niederlande

Dibevo-Vakbeurs 2017 Niederlande

  On 8th and 9th October 2017 the Dutch exhibition Dibevo-Vakbeurs took place in the former bread factory in Rijswijk. We were represented on the booth of our Dutch distributor De Jong Marinelife.   ← Aquarium Münster founding USA devision CIPS 2017...
AquaRealm Conference and Specialist Exhibition

AquaRealm Conference and Specialist Exhibition

  From 15th to 18th June 2017 the AquaRealm took place in Singapore. The AquaRealm discribes itself as an “International Conference and Specialist Exhibition for the Ornamental Aquatic Industry” and is persuing a new concept. Three days conference and...
AQUARAMA 2017 Guangzhou (China)

AQUARAMA 2017 Guangzhou (China)

  From 26th to 29th May the 16th issue of the international aquatic exhibition AQUARAMA took place in the Chinese metropolis Guangzhou. AQUARAMA, originally founded in Singapore, takes place annually in China nowadays. It is the largest international fair...